Here is What Healthy People Do That Other People Don't

Nov 01, 2021

In the last newsletter, you learned how to read food labels.

Today we're going to look at another aspect of choosing healthy foods - reading the ingredients list.

A good indicator of healthy food is the ingredient list.

2 Things You Should Know When Looking at the Ingredient List

1). The healthiest foods are those with the least amount of ingredients.  

2). The ingredient amount is determined by the order in which it is listed.

The higher amounts are always listed first and the least amounts are listed last.

Take a look at...

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2 Important Rules For Eating Healthy and Losing Those Extra Pounds

Oct 14, 2021

When you walk down the grocery aisle looking for something healthy, you get slick, in-your-face marketing messages on the packaging...

  • 40% less fat
  • 30% less fat
  • Garden Veggie
  • Vegetable and Potato Snack

If you are trying to eat healthily, there are 2 rules you should pay attention to.

RULE #1 - You can’t always believe the front of the package. 

This is marketing to make you think you are getting something healthier than it is, just to trick you to buy their products!

RULE #2 - Don't forget Rule #1

Learn how to read food labels.


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A Misleading Trick From the Food Industry

Sep 15, 2021

Last week I talked about the misinformation that is spread by the news media and even some medical professionals and one of the biggest reasons is because they too can be misled.

This newsletter is just one example.

If you’ve read news reports of studies that show eating an egg a day won’t raise your cholesterol or increase your risk of a heart attack, you should know there is more to these studies than meets the eye. 

According to Dr. John McDougall: 

“Dozens of papers published in scientific journals and funded by "The Egg...

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“How I Lost 44 Pounds and Lowered My Cholesterol 75 Points Without Medication”

Jun 22, 2021

In July 2014 something changed my life.

About a year before then, I had to see a cardiologist because of an abnormal EKG.

The doctor informed me, my cholesterol was at 220 and he told me to either start eating right or I would have to go on a pill.

There was no way I was going to take medication so I told him I would start to eat better.

Even at 63 years old the doctors’ words didn’t motivate me.

I was Einstein’s definition of insanity...

  “Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.”

It turns...

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The Real Truth About the Food Industry

Jun 15, 2021

Every day we are deluged with misinformation about diet and health.

And the biggest reason is often due to financial conflicts of interest by...

  • Government
  • Health professional organizations
  • Disease groups
  • The media, food, drug, device makers
  • Well-meaning but misinformed health professionals

Leading the way is the USDA  (United States Department of Agriculture).

The USDA was formed as an advocacy organization for farmers BUT is also responsible for setting nutrition guidelines for Americans

Agricultural organizations have always influenced the development...

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The Right Diet For Baby Boomers (Or Anyone Else Who Wants to Be Healthy)

Jun 08, 2021

Losing weight is not always easy.

If you want to lose weight and get healthy, you’ll have to get rid of the habits that are the cause of most problems.

A good start is to reduce or better yet, eliminate processed foods from your diet.

Processed foods are mainly junk foods.

  • Hot dogs
  • Ham
  • Sausages
  • Corned beef
  • Beef jerky
  • Canned meat
  • Meat-based preparations and sauces
  • Lunchmeat
  • Potato chips
  • Veggie chips
  • Cookies
  • Pastries

Dairy foods

Contrary to popular belief, milk does not build strong bones.

Did you know consuming too much dairy can excrete calcium from...

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Does Your Doctor Tell You This?

Jun 01, 2021

Drugs are almost always the first line of defense against diseases.

As you will see there are alternative treatments that are much more effective than traditional regimens.

Take a look at these studies:

Diet and Diabetes

Twenty-five Type 1 and Twenty-five Type 2 diabetics were placed on a whole food, a plant-based diet high in both carbohydrates and fiber.

After just three weeks, Type 1 diabetics were able to lower their insulin requirements by 40%  and their cholesterol by 30%.

Twenty-four out of twenty-five Type 2 diabetics were able to completely...

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