A Misleading Trick From the Food Industry

Sep 15, 2021

Last week I talked about the misinformation that is spread by the news media and even some medical professionals and one of the biggest reasons is because they too can be misled.

This newsletter is just one example.

If you’ve read news reports of studies that show eating an egg a day won’t raise your cholesterol or increase your risk of a heart attack, you should know there is more to these studies than meets the eye. 

According to Dr. John McDougall: 

“Dozens of papers published in scientific journals and funded by "The Egg Nutrition Center" and/or the "American Egg Board" downplay the hazards of eating eggs.  

So how do they demonstrate that eating loads of these cholesterol-filled delicacies have little effect on blood cholesterol?  

 The trick is to saturate the subjects with cholesterol from other sources, like beef, chicken, and/or fish, and then add eggs to the person's diet.   

Once a person has consumed 400 to 800 mg of cholesterol in a day, adding more (like with an egg) causes little rise because the bowel cannot absorb much more cholesterol. 

This is like comparing the impact of a car accident by comparing a car going 100 miles per hour vs a car going 90 miles per hour.

The actual impact of egg-feeding is seen when people who eat little cholesterol are fed eggs.” 

On the other hand.   

“When 17 lactovegetarian college students (consuming 97 mg of cholesterol daily) were fed one extra-large egg daily for three weeks their "bad" LDL-cholesterol increased by 12%.” 

Let’s not forget that these news outlets also have their own conflicts of interest in the form of their advertisers. 

Do you think they are going to do a negative report on certain foods or drugs if their advertisers are from the food or drug industry? 

They are not going to bite the hand, that feeds them. 

Here, Dr. Michael Gregor talks about more false and misleading claims:

Eggs & Cholesterol: Patently False & Misleading Claims | NutritionFacts.org

The bottom line is… 

 …You need to take control of your future and be the driver of your health. 

Until next week.

If you want the real truth, always dig deeper.

Ed Bishop


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