“How I Lost 44 Pounds and Lowered My Cholesterol 75 Points Without Medication”

Jun 22, 2021

In July 2014 something changed my life.

About a year before then, I had to see a cardiologist because of an abnormal EKG.

The doctor informed me, my cholesterol was at 220 and he told me to either start eating right or I would have to go on a pill.

There was no way I was going to take medication so I told him I would start to eat better.

Even at 63 years old the doctors’ words didn’t motivate me.

I was Einstein’s definition of insanity...

  “Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.”

It turns out that Einstein was right because I weighed 207 pounds, and easily ran out of breath just walking up a flight of stairs, and became light-headed when I exerted myself and bending over my big belly to tie my shoes was such a chore.

Looking at pictures of myself disgusted me.

During that time, I also had another scare.

My PSA level was very high and I had to undergo biopsies to see if I had prostate cancer (my father died from prostate cancer).

Luckily it wasn’t cancer but I still had surgery for an enlarged prostate.

Even with all this going on I still couldn’t motivate myself to do something about it…

…Until I watched a documentary on Netflix.

What I saw shocked me!

I never knew other populations didn’t have heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

One thing that really stuck out was in 1958 Japan had 18 deaths from prostate cancer and the death rate in the U.S was 14,000.

The incidence of breast cancer in Kenya was 82 times lower than in the U.S.

If you’re anything like me, you probably think it was genetics that made the difference.

It turns out that it’s not genetics at all.


Proof of this is when you take the same people from those countries and feed them the Standard American Diet, they get sick, and conversely when doctors treat sick people with the same diet as those from healthy countries they get better again.

That did it for me.

I decided then and there I was going to find out all I could to make myself healthy again and devoured as much information as I could.

Even though my focus was on the health aspect, I stepped on the scales after one week of this new lifestyle and noticed I lost 7 pounds.

Not only was the weight coming off, but I also started to feel better.

The following spring I went for an annual medical check-up and lo and behold, my cholesterol was 155 (no medication) and my weight was down to 163 pounds.

To say the least, I am now a believer that Food Is Medicine!

Since I started this lifestyle and I’m happy to report that my weight has stayed off and my cholesterol is even lower (145).

That's why I became a Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor and have completed Certifications for the Weight Loss Course from The Wellness Forum under the direction of Dr. Pam Popper.

Now, I want to help as many people as possible who struggle with weight, heart disease, diabetes as well as other chronic problems by sharing the information that can lead to a better life.

The Fastest-Growing Food Trend in America

People from all walks of life are embracing this lifestyle when not long ago it was considered fringe.

Is a Plant-Based Diet What You Need for Peak Performance? - Further

The Need For an American Diet Shake-Up

These researchers spent a lot of time citing frightening statistics on obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. 

The China Study Summary: Everything you need to know | Well+Good (wellandgood.com)

Watch for the next issue.

I’ll cover another powerful. anti-aging strategy.

There's always more to know.

Until next week.

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