The Real Truth About the Food Industry

Jun 15, 2021

Every day we are deluged with misinformation about diet and health.

And the biggest reason is often due to financial conflicts of interest by...

  • Government
  • Health professional organizations
  • Disease groups
  • The media, food, drug, device makers
  • Well-meaning but misinformed health professionals

Leading the way is the USDA  (United States Department of Agriculture).

The USDA was formed as an advocacy organization for farmers BUT is also responsible for setting nutrition guidelines for Americans

Agricultural organizations have always influenced the development of nutritional guidelines, and they favor industry, not optimal health

Below is a list of organizations and their financial ties to industries…

Eat Right. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


  • Abbott Nutrition
  • Coca-Cola
  • National Dairy Council

Premier Sponsors:

  • General Mills
  • Kellogg’s
  • Pepsi
  • Truvia

American Academy of Pediatrics


  • Coca Cola Company
  • Pfizer
  • Merck
  • Novartis
  • Three makers of baby formula – Mead Johnson, Abbot Nutrition, and Nestle

Current Partners (

Kimberly Seals Allers “Does the AAP Logo Belong on Formula Gift Bags?”

American Diabetes Association


  • Boar’s Head (deli products)
  • Dannon
  • Equal
  • CVS Pharmacies
  • RiteAid
  • Splenda
  • Janssen Pharmaceuticals

( accessed 1.11.2015)

The American Heart Association

Approved Products:

  • Boar's Head Old Fashioned Canadian Style Bacon With Natural Juices
  • Butterball Original Deep Fried Flavored Chicken Breast Buffalo Style
  • Sara Lee Virginia Brand Ham, with Natural Juices
  • Healthy Choice Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo
  • Healthy Choice Country Fried Chicken

( accessed 1.7.2015)

How can an organization like the American Heart Association, for example, promote foods that are known to cause or contribute to the very thing they are trying to prevent or cure?

Much information is…

  • A blurred line between advertising and health messages; there is a difference between advertising messages and research-based information
  • Misreporting by the media
  • Misinformed but well-meaning health care professionals, many of whom have little nutrition training

Just don't take my word for it, check out these articles...

Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Marion Nestle discusses the goal of large corporate food companies

Dr. Michael Gregor talks about how the big food industries influence scientific research.

As you can see, there is a lot of money-hungry influence when it comes to your health.

Just follow the money!



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