The Real Truth About the Food Industry

Jun 15, 2021

Every day we are deluged with misinformation about diet and health.

And the biggest reason is often due to financial conflicts of interest by...

  • Government
  • Health professional organizations
  • Disease groups
  • The media, food, drug, device makers
  • Well-meaning but misinformed health professionals

Leading the way is the USDA  (United States Department of Agriculture).

The USDA was formed as an advocacy organization for farmers BUT is also responsible for setting nutrition guidelines for Americans

Agricultural organizations have always influenced the development...

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The Right Diet For Baby Boomers (Or Anyone Else Who Wants to Be Healthy)

Jun 08, 2021

Losing weight is not always easy.

If you want to lose weight and get healthy, you’ll have to get rid of the habits that are the cause of most problems.

A good start is to reduce or better yet, eliminate processed foods from your diet.

Processed foods are mainly junk foods.

  • Hot dogs
  • Ham
  • Sausages
  • Corned beef
  • Beef jerky
  • Canned meat
  • Meat-based preparations and sauces
  • Lunchmeat
  • Potato chips
  • Veggie chips
  • Cookies
  • Pastries

Dairy foods

Contrary to popular belief, milk does not build strong bones.

Did you know consuming too much dairy can excrete calcium from...

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Does Your Doctor Tell You This?

Jun 01, 2021

Drugs are almost always the first line of defense against diseases.

As you will see there are alternative treatments that are much more effective than traditional regimens.

Take a look at these studies:

Diet and Diabetes

Twenty-five Type 1 and Twenty-five Type 2 diabetics were placed on a whole food, a plant-based diet high in both carbohydrates and fiber.

After just three weeks, Type 1 diabetics were able to lower their insulin requirements by 40%  and their cholesterol by 30%.

Twenty-four out of twenty-five Type 2 diabetics were able to completely...

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How To Overcome Your Stress Without Losing Your Mind

May 25, 2021

At the end of the day, all any of us want for ourselves or the people we love is health and a calm, peaceful mind.

Sometimes it seems elusive.

There is no shortage when it comes to the things that cause stress in our lives:

  • Bad events that happen such as sickness or death
  • Responsibilities of caring for our loved ones
  • Issues at work
  • Money problems
  • Relationships
  • Uncontrolled or unwanted thoughts
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Insomnia

All these things can lead to feelings of unhappiness, depression, panic, anxiety that…

Can rob you of your ability to live the life you...

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Smart Exercise Strategies For Looking and Feeling Younger

May 18, 2021

Exercise plus a healthy dietary pattern are the perfect combinations if you want to maintain your youthful ways.

It's no secret that being sedentary is one of the worse things you can do to yourself.

Without movement, you’ll be like a rusty, old iron gate.

The less you use it, the harder it is to move.

On the other hand, the more it’s moved, the easier it is to use.

The late fitness expert, Jack LaLanne who was still exercising for an hour and a half every day at 95 years old had a saying…

“Better to wear out than rust out.”


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Why It's So Hard to Lose Weight (And What You Can Do About It)

May 11, 2021

You’ve made up your mind.

You are going on a diet and you are going to lose weight,

You’re doing good, eating the way you should.

Then, you are at an event or a party, and right in front of you is a smorgasbord of irresistible food you know you shouldn’t eat.

You look and say no, I have willpower, I’m not going to do it.

But before you know it, a little voice in your head says, one little bite won’t hurt and you cave in.

You bite into it and it tastes so good!

Before you know it, you’ve gorged yourself.

You know down...

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Are You Taking Cholesterol Medication?

May 04, 2021

Cholesterol is a natural substance produced in the liver and found in every cell of the body.  

 It has important natural functions for digesting foods, producing hormones, and making Vitamin D. 

 There are two types of cholesterol;

  1. LDL (low-density lipoproteins) also referred to as bad cholesterol that becomes part of plaque build-up along with fat and calcium in the artery.
  2. HDL (high-density lipoproteins) known as good cholesterol because it cleans up the bad cholesterol.

The causes of high cholesterol can be caused by...

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Don't Ever Let Them Do This to You

Apr 27, 2021



Just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang.

It was my sister calling to tell me she was on the way to the hospital with my mom.

After going through some tests, a doctor came in and said she was having a heart attack.

She was given medication to stabilize her condition until the cardiologist arrived in the morning.

When the cardiologist arrived, he said they were going to perform a Catheterization to see if she had a blockage and if there was a blockage, they would insert a stent.

Catheterization is a procedure used to diagnose and treat...

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Become Your Own Health Advocate (Before It's Too Late)

Apr 13, 2021

Does your doctor really discuss all the risks and benefits for the treatment he prescribes to you or do you just willingly go along with what he says?

Do you believe that for every ill there is a pill?

In October 2017, my mom was suffering from frequent nosebleeds and high blood pressure.

When I took her to a doctor’s appointment, I found out she was on six different prescription medications.

It was painfully obvious these meds were doing nothing to cure her conditions.

This happens way too often.

I emailed an out-of-state doctor I knew and asked for her...

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