Do You Make These Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight?

Jul 20, 2021

How many times have you started a diet and lost weight only to gain it back again?

There are so many diets and opinions it can make your head spin.

One day they tell you it’s okay to eat fat then the next day you are told not to eat carbs.

Then the next one says you need to eat more protein.

To add insult to injury they tell you that you lack willpower.

It’s an ordeal trying to figure it all out.

You're not alone.

Over 68% of Americans are overweight or obese.

The good news is, being overweight does not have to be a life sentence of struggle and disappointment.

The roadmap to successful weight loss is within your reach.

All you need to do is to be willing to put aside some of the misconceptions and beliefs that sabotage your efforts for losing your unwanted weight and open your mind.

The real truth about losing weight is….

Diets don’t work!

The diet business is raking in over $60.9 Billion, yet the failure rate for diet programs ranges from 80% - 99.8%, depending on the target population.

How many times have you started a diet and blamed yourself because you couldn’t stick with it?

It’s not your fault?

Nobody can be expected to stick to an unreasonable diet where you starve and deprive yourself…This is not a natural way to eat!

It’s dumb, unreasonable, and unhealthy.

The problem with “diets” is they are only temporary efforts.

You treat it as a punishment, with an expiration date.

One of two things will happen.

  1. You reach your target weight loss, stop the diet and end up going back to the same eating habits that were responsible for their excess weight in the first place.
  2. You give up frustrated because the weight is not coming off like you thought it would.

If you want long-term results, you need a long-term effort that is enjoyable and healthy.

Stop beating yourself up and start to experience a lifestyle where you can enjoy tasty and nutritious foods until you are full?

Look at your food as medicine to nourish your body instead of depriving it.

“For lifestyle changes to be sustainable, they have to be pleasurable and meaningful, fun and joyful, loving and feeling good as well as effective and freely chosen” …Dean Ornish

Here are 6 big reasons why it’s so hard to lose weight:

1) Not eating enough carbs (really?)

You’ve been told to limit your carbohydrates because they can make you fat and sick.

When it comes to carbs the key is CARBOHYDRATE-QUALITY.

The types of carbohydrates that cause these problems are refined carbs, in the form of sugar and white flour that is contained in white bread, cereals, pastries, crackers, and cookies.

Good carbohydrates such as potatoes, corn, rice, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are proven to reduce unwanted weight and promote optimal health.

2) Focusing too much on protein

You are being bombarded with advertising and packaging, highlighting the word “PROTEIN” and how you need to get more of it.

It’s a myth you need more protein.

Americans are consuming twice the amount of protein that is recommended. 

Too much protein is associated with heart disease, inflammatory arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, bone loss, osteoporosis, kidney damage, kidney stones, and cancer promotion.

No one ever got sick from a lack of protein unless they were starving.

If you are eating enough calories, you are getting enough protein.

3) Eating too many calorie-dense foods

Calorie density is a measure of how many calories are in a given weight of food.

 It is the number of calories per pound of certain foods.

 High-density food has a large number of calories in a small weight of food.

Foods that are low-density have much fewer calories in the same weight of food.

You should consume a larger portion of a low-calorie dense food than a high-calorie dense food for the same number of calories

  • Vegetables – 100 calories per pound
  • Fruit – 200 calories per pound
  • Potatoes – 318 calories per pound
  • Rib Eye Steak – 1,320 calories per pound
  • ALL Types of Oils – 4,000 calories per pound

Satiety, (feeling full or satisfied) is based on stretch and nutrient receptors in your stomach.

When your stomach is filled with food, these receptors send a message to your brain to let you know you are full.

4) Eating too much fat

If you are eating the Standard American Diet you are getting too much fat.

There are diets such as the Keto that encourage you to eat large amounts of fatty food and you can lose weight pretty rapidly doing this.

The reason for the quick weight loss at the beginning is because a lot of the weight is water loss.

Despite the claims of the high-fat diet proponents that you can reverse Type 2 diabetes and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease the majority of studies show that higher fat intake is associated with increased risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Doctors such as Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn, John McDougall, and countless others treat their patients with a low-fat regimen and have a success rate of over 90% in curing their patients of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Eating fat does not contribute to weight loss.

More fat equals more calories.

There are 9 calories in a gram of fat compared to 4 calories per gram of a carbohydrate.

You should strive for only 10% - 12% of fat of your daily calorie intake.

5) Not eating enough fiber.

If you are like most Americans, you are consuming approximately 16 grams of fiber per day. 

Fiber is the part of plant foods that is not digested or absorbed by your body but passes through your stomach, small intestine, and colon.

A diet of fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and beans makes you feel full while eating fewer calories contributing to weight loss. 

The China Study comprised of sixty-five hundred Chinese people showed high fiber was associated with lower rates of colon and rectum cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Fiber also reduces the risk of breast cancer by lowering estrogen levels in the body.

Getting enough fiber in your diet also…

  • Reduces your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Helps acid reflux
  • Allow regular and easy bowel movements
  • Help absorption of vitamins and minerals into your body

For optimum health and weight loss, you should aim for 50 grams of fiber every day.

6) Falling for the marketing tactics of food manufacturers

When you walk down the grocery aisle you get bombarded with slick packaging and messages that say…

  • 9 Grams of Protein!
  • 30% Less Fat!
  • Reduced-Fat!
  • Made with Real Veggies and Whole Grains!

You can’t always believe the front of the package.

This is marketing to make you think you are getting something healthier than it is, just to trick you to buy their products!

To find out how healthy the food is, you have to pay attention to the Nutrition Facts Label on the package.

What you should look for:

Calories – Even though we don’t count them, knowing the calorie amount in a food item will help you determine the calorie density when choosing your food.

Fat – Knowing this is a must! You are aiming for only 10% - 12% of your calories from fat. If you consume 1800 calories per day, your maximum daily fat intake should be around 24 grams.

Fiber – This is one of the most crucial elements of your dietary pattern, Aim for at least 50 grams every day.

 Cholesterol – Your body makes all the cholesterol you need. Any additional cholesterol is not only unnecessary but harmful.

Eliminating these mistakes is a good start for not only losing weight but also for keeping it off.

Dietician and Nutritionist, Jeff Novick recommends using the calorie-density approach to healthy eating.

Check out this article...

A Common Sense Approach To Sound Nutrition (

Fiber plays a key role in digestion, weight loss, and cancer prevention, and can even increase lifespan!

Learn the basics of fiber here...

Fiber Is the Key to Good Health (

There’s always more to know.

Until next week.

Ed Bishop

PS – If you haven’t done so, get the free report, “How to Age Without Becoming a Burden to Your Family and Friends”


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