The Most Important Gift Ever From My Mother

Jul 13, 2021

When I was about 11 years old, and my sister was 7, our mother used to leave the house at 7:00 am, 5 days a week to walk a mile to the bus stop to get to her job as a dental assistant.

After she left, we were pretty much on our own to get ourselves ready for school…making breakfast, ironing our clothes, then walking to school.

By the time she got home, it was 6:00 pm, and now she had to make dinner out of whatever the food we had in our semi-bare refrigerator or cabinets…have you ever seen a whole chicken from a can?

This was the typical everyday routine of a single-parent household that never had financial support from a father.

When I was 15 she received an offer to run a newly-formed dental assisting program at our community college.

After 21 years she retired from that position at the age of 56, and started a new career in real estate.

When she was in her seventies, she became a substitute teacher in a local grammar school until she was in her mid-eighties.

Up until she was 86, she still drove, owned a home, did her own shopping, cooked, and, did her laundry.

 Why did I tell you this?

Because this is an example of one of the most important things you should do if you want to age with grace and dignity. If you haven’t figured it out, here it is…


 When you're independent:

  • You call the shots and do the things that bring you joy

  • You won’t be a burden to your friends and family

My mom always said…“I never want to be a burden to anyone.”

She never was.

We never had had to do much for her because she never asked for much.

We had it easy compared to some caregivers who are forced to put their lives on hold to care for a loved one.

My mother’s independence was a gift to us and that’s a gift I want to give to my family and friends.

 A major key to being independent is…

  …Having good health.

 And a key to having good health is educating yourself with the right information.

You can’t rely on the mainstream media.

This newsletter is here to help you dig deeper to get to the truth.

Here are two links to evidence-based information you probably won’t see in the mainstream media.

The McDougall Newsletter - Vitamin D Pills Are of Little or No Benefit and Some Harm. So What to Do Now? (

Diet Influences Alzheimer’s Disease Risk (

There’s always more to know.

Until next week.

Ed Bishop

PS – If you haven’t done so, get the free report, “How to Age Without Becoming a Burden to Your Family and Friends”


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